The revolution
in Dementia & Nursing Care:
Be the change. Add your name.
a clear & evidence based system for care infrastructure
a clear, fun & engaging system for the social, interactive side of care and support.
We are currently working on several routes to funding, if this an area in which you have expertise, or access to finance, and want to be part of the change for dementia, nursing and care for our older people - then do get in touch to discuss:
Maracuja Club - evidence based, exciting , fun and engaging residential dementia and nursing care.
A network of Centres of Excellence for care and wellbeing.
Combining learning, respite, step down, and longer term residential dementia and nursing care.
Our new approach to everything will turn the negative narrative of getting older on its head.
We are set to change the course of dementia and nursing home provision forever... it's time for a new way of seeing ageing.
Forget everything you thought you knew about care.
Evidence based & outcomes focused
New models of architecture, care and management. Reducing and removing proven causes of stress
Fun & engaging daily life
Centred on the proven causes of wellbeing, positive mood and enhancing cognitive function.
An entirely new building architecture and interior
no corridors, just real, meaningful and accessible community life, right outside your door.
It's an entirely new, positive and uplifting experience
Everyone taking part in Maracuja Club can benefit from the proven mental and physical health outcomes, above and beyond the fun of the place itself.

Keep up to date with our key posts + read about our work in detail.
The evidence base behind the Maracuja Club project, shows the potential for substantial and concrete benefits for people living with a dementia, the staff, and those with other care needs. Much of this was confirmed in our 6 month Pilot project.
We can reduce the signs and symptoms of dementia by as much as 50%, reduce and prevent the development of challenging behaviours, help retain and recover ability, enhance positive social behaviours, reduce the signs and symptoms of depression, boost cognitive function, support accelerated recovery from crisis, as well as boost immune function and much more.
When the focus is put clearly on the solid evidence behind generating wellbeing and reduction of stress, the proven outcomes arise. Good care and support for one another is not a mystery - the science is concrete. It's time to apply it.
Join us and support a totally new idea of what care can be and can achieve.
About Maracuja Club.
Our founders are a father and son team passionate about improving care and support. William and Roland McMorran began working together in 2012 to develop a new way of doing dementia and nursing care, from the ground up. Their work has been published in The Journal of Dementia Care, The Care Home Environment Magazine, The Churchill Fellowship and elsewhere. They have been invited to speak widely in the UK and also in South Africa. They won UK Dementia, Care and Nursing Home Expo 2018 Outstanding Contribution to Dementia Care Award.
Following this, a business specialist and NHS Hospital Foundation Trust Chairman approached them to work toward making the dream of a new, fun, engaging and beneficial way of doing care for older people with dementia and nursing care needs a reality. The result is the Maracuja Club startup.
They Say
A customer living with a dementia
Maracuja Club Care Model, 6 month pilot project as a day respite service.
"These have been some of the best days of my life"
"Where are my bags... I want to stay the night"
Members of Young Dementia Herefordshire
Presentation of the new Maracuja Club Building Designs.
"Normally looking at nursing homes is more about choosing where you definitely don't want to go, but with this proposal...When can I book a room??"